You really are the Good Shepherd Series 4: (Psalms 23:4).

Alwaysnforeva daily inspiration

07th September 2017    

You can’t get to the mountain top unless you go through the valleys. Valleys represent the hardest times of our lives. Many of them will come. I have learned that God uses these opportunities to grow us spiritually and to get closer to him. In every great trial, all God wants is a deeper, more intimate relationship with him. In such a busy world, this is when we really take time to listen to his voice. He gently whispers “it’s going to be okay.”  He then simply comforts us with his word.  He protects us from all harm. Somehow we are reminded of his love. He also reminds us of all those times we made it through even when we thought we couldn’t. We deal with fear every day until it loses its power. He is always there to guide us especially when the next step isn’t clear. He teaches us how to comfort and how to be comforted. He always walks at our side in every dismal disappointment. He makes us feel secure in every situation. That is just who he is.

Inspired by,      

The word of God,

The sword of the spirit

Psalm 23:4 (AMP)

Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for you are with me; your rod [to protect] and your staff [to guide], they comfort me.


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